I am strongly convinced that good wines can only come from healthy and living soils.
Sustainable soil management is essential in organic viticulture to ensure long-term productivity and environmental health. A key focus is the promotion of humus formation, which enhances soil fertility and its capacity to retain water and nutrients. We achieve this through the application of organic matter such as compost, green manure, and cover crops, which also support microbial activity and soil biodiversity. Our vineyards are fully green all year around since we also follow a no-till agriculture approach.
A crucial part to prevent soil compaction, is that we reduce the frequency of machinery passes. Limiting overpasses not only protects the soil structure but also helps maintain aeration and root penetration. The use of lightweight equipment and combining multiple tasks in one pass contribute to reducing soil degradation. The heaviest machine that usually goes through a vineyard is the grape harvester… which we don´t use at all.
These steps also help to increase the amount of humus in the soil, which is not only the habitat for countless micro- and macroorganisms, but also has a much higher water retention capacity than most soils.